Forgotten Harvest - On a Target Run
Targeting creatures with these underplayed cards causes some unexpected results!
Ranking Every Land with EDHREC - Part 15: A Data Update
Ranking every land in EDH using EDHREC!
Historically Speaking - The Mardu vs. The Temur
Who would win in a fight: the Mardu or the Temur?
Conditions Allow - Horobi, Death's Wail
( | Art by John Bolton) Let Me Hear You Wail Hello everyone, and welcome to Conditions Allow, where we take a look at legendary creatures with drawbacks and try to turn those drawbacks into strengths. This week, I’m talking about a Kamigawa legend that actually left me pretty stumped, not only because it has […]
Commander Showdown - Prossh vs Korvold
Jund Dragon versus Jund Dragon! Who will you use to Jund 'em out?
Epic Experiment - Happily Ever After
Can we win with Happily Ever After... in a two-color deck!?