Ixalan is upon us, in all its colorful, dino-riding, neck-biting, treasure-hunting glory. It's a bright colorful set dominated by four distinctive tribes all chasing after an elusive lost city of gold. And given their toned-down presence it's possible that maybe, just maybe this world will be left in one piece when we move on in the spring since the greatest villains in the multiverse, the Gatewatch, won't be stomping around the plane like children on a model train set.
I'm here to talk about the color blue, as in Blue Monday, Blue Velvet, and no, I think you won't cast that, because no! In Ixalan blue is heavier on pirates and merfolk than denial but as always there's a little of that, too. Let's get to it!
Tribe Tweaker, Card Keeper , Gear Seeker
Arcane AdaptionArcane Adaption: Sure, we already had ConspiracyConspiracy, Unnatural SelectionUnnatural Selection and XenograftXenograft, but for decks that want that kind of effect redundancy is nice, and the fact that it works for creature spells and creature cards that aren't on the battlefield is a useful bonus. I expect to see this show up in a lot of Reaper KingReaper King, General TazriGeneral Tazri and Silumgar, the Drifting DeathSilumgar, the Drifting Death builds in the near future.
Chart a CourseChart a Course: This is a sneakily useful little card. Draw two for two with an option to not discard is Night's WhisperNight's Whisper territory, a card that already finds a home in 5,000+ decks. The competition here in blue is Lat-Nam's LegacyLat-Nam's Legacy, Perilous ResearchPerilous Research, See BeyondSee Beyond, Vision SkeinsVision Skeins and Words of WisdomWords of Wisdom, but only Vision SkeinsVision Skeins is in 1,000+ decks. It's not splashy, but it fills a hole in a lot of curves, and I expect to see it in quite a few decks in the coming years.
Deadeye QuartermasterDeadeye Quartermaster: The Quartermaster competes with Trinket MageTrinket Mage/Treasure MageTreasure Mage/Trophy MageTrophy Mage as a tutor but there are builds that want all the tutors, and this will find that Sword of the MeekSword of the Meek as well as anything. It's also blinkable with Roon of the Hidden RealmRoon of the Hidden Realm or Brago, King EternalBrago, King Eternal if that's your jam. And it's a pirate to boot!
Token Maker, Creature Taker, Graveyard Shaker
Deeproot WatersDeeproot Waters: A 3 mana enchantment that makes a 1/1 merfolk token with hexproof whenever you cast a merfolk is pretty great in merfolk decks. I'm not sure it has a home outside that other than maybe some odd Mistform UltimusMistform Ultimus build, but it's going to find a place in almost every merfolk tribal list I would imagine.
Entrancing MelodyEntrancing Melody: This card is going to be fairly expensive to cast to steal anything worthwhile, and that's not so great in a color that already has access to Control MagicControl Magic, Gilded DrakeGilded Drake, Mind ControlMind Control, and TreacheryTreachery. Still, DominateDominate sees play in just under a thousand decks and since this is strictly better I can assume it will find a home as well.
Fleet SwallowerFleet Swallower: TraumatizeTraumatize on attack seems useful, though the inability to target yourself for a big Living DeathLiving Death play hurts. I would guess Phenax, God of DeceptionPhenax, God of Deception pilots might want this in their arsenal as would any commander built around milling.
Evasion Maker, Sartorial Risktaker, Merfolker Caretaker
Herald of Secret StreamsHerald of Secret Streams: This card is a cheaper alternative to Sapphire DrakeSapphire Drake to those looking to grant evasion in a +1/+1 counters deck, and the evasion it grants is better than flying. I'm sure some Marchesa, the Black RoseMarchesa, the Black Rose builds will be interested as well.
Jace, Cunning CastawayJace, Cunning Castaway: It takes a special kind of man to pull off a bustier on a pirate ship, and Jace Beleren seems to think he is that man. Rocking a saucy little over the shoulder number can't be harder that wrecking multiple planes, right? I can't tell if that is magic coming off his hands or if he's twirling a blue feathered boa as he dances to earn his dinner. Pirates don't let nobody ride for free.
The rule of thumb going in is that a three-mana planeswalker is always worth consideration. So let's consider: Three starting loyalty isn't ideal, and neither is a single loot conditional on combat damage. He can protect himself with his -2 however, and his ult is powerful and unique. He also can auto-ult with a Doubling SeasonDoubling Season in play which is relevant to a lot of superfriends decks, and in this case the tokens he makes can then also auto-ult, cascading into an infinite amount of badly dressed Jaces. There's probably someone out there with a deck built around Lord of the UnrealLord of the Unreal who is super hype for more illusions, too. All in all I'm predicting he won't be that great, but planewalkers can be hard to evaluate. Regardless, he needs to get ahold of Tibalt's tailor, STAT.
Kopala, Warden of WavesKopala, Warden of Waves: There aren't really any other mono-blue merfolk that care about other merfolk enough to justify leading a tribal deck, so if you want to run mono-blue fishpeople then Kopala is your sturgeon. At the very least the card has a home in most other merfolk decks he isn't leading. This feels like a merfolk staple from there on out.
Library Miller, Hand Filler, Battlefield Tiller
Navigator's RuinNavigator's Ruin: It's no Sphinx's TutelageSphinx's Tutelage, but mill people might want this. Or not. Who knows? Those dudes are weird.
Overflowing InsightOverflowing Insight: Blue Sun's ZenithBlue Sun's Zenith would cost you 10 to draw seven, same for Stroke of GeniusStroke of Genius. Those are both instants though, and in a color that wants to hold mana up to see if anything worth countering gets played that is huge. OpportunityOpportunity costs one less and only draws four. Recurring InsightRecurring Insight is probably the best comparison; it will usually draw you more cards just spread out over two turns. It lets you get to that Approach of the Second SunApproach of the Second Sun buried seven deep though, so that's something.
Perilous VoyagePerilous Voyage: Well Into the RoilInto the Roil is in 3,203 decks on EDHREC and this is a not-quite-as-good version of that, so maybe some Talrand, Sky SummonerTalrand, Sky Summoner players want an almost copy.
River Dipper, Archenemy Ripper, Filtering Flipper
River SneakRiver Sneak: There's probably some merfolk decks that want an unblockable body, and less-tuned Edric, Spymaster of TrestEdric, Spymaster of Trest lists would maybe run this, along with any other commander interested in sideways guys swinging in untouched. Too bad it's not a rogue to trigger prowl on things like Notorious ThrongNotorious Throng.
River's RebukeRiver's Rebuke: There are 1,078 decks running InundateInundate so there there is a precedent for sorcery speed mass bounce in Commander. It's always nice to it the archenemy right in the breadbasket.
Search for AzcantaSearch for Azcanta: For two mana this legendary enchantment lets you dig for things you need early, then it flips into Azcanta, the Sunken RuinAzcanta, the Sunken Ruin to ramp you and/or provide a mana sink that gives card advantage. It's not amazing, but it's quite useful at that cost. If this doesn't have a home in 1,000+ decks at this time next year I'll eat my shoe. Or a cake shaped like a shoe. With maybe delicious licorice laces and those hard candy bb deals for eyelets. Mmmmmm, cake.
Slug Blocker, Spell Stopper, Treasure Dropper
Shore KeeperShore Keeper: The first trilobite in Magic! That's all I've got. I'm sure it'll be useful as a chump blocker and hand-refiller in limited but I doubt this sees much EDH play outside people getting prepared for their eventual trilobite tribal build.
Siren StormtamerSiren Stormtamer: An upgrade on Cloud PiratesCloud Pirates and Flying MenFlying Men for Edric, Spymaster of TrestEdric, Spymaster of Trest decks, and Marchesa, the Black RoseMarchesa, the Black Rose builds might want a Dollar Store version of Glen Elendra ArchmageGlen Elendra Archmage to run alongside the original for recursion abuse. It's also an activated ability for Mairsil, the PretenderMairsil, the Pretender to cage, and a wizard for Azami, Lady of ScrollsAzami, Lady of Scrolls decks to tap for a draw. And it's a playable pirate, too.
Spell SwindleSpell Swindle: The ability to make a handful of artifact tokens while depriving someone of a spell might be of interest to decks like Breya, Etherium ShaperBreya, Etherium Shaper or less tuned Arcum DagssonArcum Dagsson lists.
. . . And really bad eggs
Prior to Ixalan there were only 20 pirates in Magic. Of those, four are vanilla (or the equivalent thereof) and six are french vanilla, so assembling a pirate-themed deck has been a ugly proposition, power-wise. Because of this the otherwise unremarkable collection of creatures below are worth briefly mentioning because somebody has to crew those Admiral Beckett BrassAdmiral Beckett Brass and Ramirez DePietroRamirez DePietro decks.
- Daring SaboteurDaring Saboteur: One of the better pirates of this lot, Daring SaboteurDaring Saboteur is a 2/1 pirate for 1U that will find a home in pirate decks even if it's just as a curve filler, and the option to make it unblockable and loot on combat damage is useful, too.
- Dreamcaller SirenDreamcaller Siren: A Pirate with flash and flying. If you're running pirates it is playable.
- Prosperous PiratesProsperous Pirates: They make two treasure upon entering the battlefield which is better than nothing.
- Sailor of MeansSailor of Means: Half of Prosperous PiratesProsperous Pirates.
- Shipwreck LooterShipwreck Looter: If you meet the raid trigger the turn they enter the battlefield you may loot. It's not nothing.
- Siren LookoutSiren Lookout: Flying siren pirate with an enters the battlefield explore trigger.
- Storm Fleet AerialistStorm Fleet Aerialist: A flier that enters stronger if you attacked this turn.
- Storm Fleet SpyStorm Fleet Spy: Raid trigger that draws you a card. It's better than Steam FrigateSteam Frigate.
She Wore Blue Velvet...
And that's it for the blue Ixalan drops. I personally am looking for find a home for Chart a CourseChart a Course in Talrand where I'll also probably look up upgrade Favorable WindsFavorable Winds to the excellent new art in foil, Siren StormtamerSiren Stormtamer in Edric, and possibly Search for AzcantaSearch for Azcanta in both Talrand and Isperia sphinx tribal.
How about you? Any blue stuff making the cut in your decks? Let me know in the comments below!
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