(Brion StoutarmBrion Stoutarm | Art by Zoltan Boros and Gabor Szikszai)
If It Looks Like A Hulk And Throws Like A Hulk...
Greetings and salutations, from my own cozy chair near set just above a nice woodfire. I'm Arnaud, and I'm thrilled to take you on yet another journey of budget brews, uncanny choices and massive head smashes.
Last time, I decided unilaterally and without consulting my army of lawyers that, being short only two votes from taking the win, Brion Stoutarm definitely deserved a chance. So this time, there will be no endless rambling about stats and percentages. Let's dive right in.
Ok, so maybe just a teensy-bitsy of rambling. Brion was among the first commander decks I attempted to build, back in 2012. It looked fun, and I was secretly hoping to cast big bad creatures, smash with them, then fling them into my opponent's faces. Ah, the unwavering optimism of the new brewer... Can we do better this time?
So. 4/4 with lifelink for 4 mana. Decent stats, but what we're most interested in is Brion's unique ability : sacrifice creatures to deal damage. That lifelink all of a sudden becomes much more relevant!
As it stands, Brion's pageBrion's page accounts for 286 cards. Given the general strategy chosen by most brewers, I'd be surprised if there was much expensive cardboard. Let's dive in!
First Trim - The Cardboard Chainsaw Massacre
First things first. I'll group and sort the cards by price, alternating between the various suppliers to squeeze the maximum value from the list, then mercilessly butcher anything above the $1 mark. As expected, many damage doublers fail to make the cut. A shame.
A few other nifty cards stand, at the time of writing, between the $1 and $2 mark. Before we take a look at the best options therein, I'd like to ask a question (which I'll repeat in the poll). Given the market fluctuations, do you reckon I should give some leeway to cards up to $1.10, in hopes they drop below our established mark, or do we keep a strict and severe guillotine? I'd be curious to hear from you on this possibility.
At any rate, let's see what goodies we almost got to play with.
- War RoomWar Room: This is exactly what I'm hinting at. At $1.03, this is an absolute go-to in almost any Boros build.
- Illusionist's BracersIllusionist's Bracers: One fling is good. Two is better.
- Dictate of the Twin GodsDictate of the Twin Gods: Yes, it affects the damage you take as well. But it has flash, so you get to benefit from its effect first.
- Emeria ShepherdEmeria Shepherd: Great recursion outlet. The mana cost is steep, but reanimating a fling choice cut over and over is bound to drag some attention.
- Cursed MirrorCursed Mirror: At worst it's an expensive rock. At best it's a copy of the best creature on the field, to smash with then fling away.
- Hofri GhostforgeHofri Ghostforge: Steal stuff, sac it, and make a copy. Talk about adding insult to injury...
- Orthion, Hero of LavabrinkOrthion, Hero of Lavabrink: Who cares about the token dying this turn? You'll slaughter them yourself!
- Bonders' EnclaveBonders' Enclave: Same as with War RoomWar Room
- Brought BackBrought Back: Fling, die, come back, rince, repeat.
- Gisela, Blade of GoldnightGisela, Blade of Goldnight: And yet another damage doubler, with a protective upside.
- Virtue of CourageVirtue of Courage: This is what what annoys me the most. The ability on the enchantment end looks absolutely gross in conjunction with our commander.
- Detection TowerDetection Tower: An absolute must-have for any deck wishing to target a creature with boots.
That's a lot of good cards. But fear not, my good friends, there's plenty more to come. As it stands, we still have 173 cards to swim through. On we go!
Second Trim - Cardward Scissorhands
Kind Ladies and Gentlemen, we may have an issue: we are in Boros. I repeat: WE. ARE. IN. BOROS.
Can you feel the slight worry about keeping our hand full?
So, let's see what we have:
- Card Advantage: 14 (ouch)
- Ramp : 19
- Removal : 19
- Wipes : 5
Unlike the last few brews, looks like there won't be too much to cut here.
Card Advantage | Ramp | Removal | Wipes |
Faithless LootingFaithless Looting | Boros CluestoneBoros Cluestone | Archon of JusticeArchon of Justice | Bearer of the HeavensBearer of the Heavens |
Burnished HartBurnished Hart | CondemnCondemn | ||
Fire DiamondFire Diamond | Crush UnderfootCrush Underfoot | ||
Gift of EstatesGift of Estates | DisenchantDisenchant | ||
Marble DiamondMarble Diamond | Duergar Hedge-MageDuergar Hedge-Mage | ||
Stinkdrinker DaredevilStinkdrinker Daredevil | Nahiri, the HarbingerNahiri, the Harbinger | ||
Return to DustReturn to Dust | |||
Rip ApartRip Apart | |||
SquashSquash | |||
The removal/wipe count might be a smidge higher than we're used to, but since the current curve definitely looms on the higher end, I'd rather be safe for the few turns we'll need to set things up.
The fun part is that, with the mana base reshaped, we still have 157 cards left to ponder, evaluate, weigh, consider, analyze, interpret, judge. That's a lot of toys!
Third Trim - Cutting off the rough edges
Let's settle down for a bit, shall we? What does the deck want to do? Fling big stuff? Sure. Send our opponents' creatures right back into their faces? Absolutely. And gain some life to stay alive? Definitely.
Still, this is a delicate equation to solve. We need enough threaten effects, possibly cheap, so we can steal our opponents' creatures right under their nose. And enough fling effects to make sure our commander does not become a liability.
I also want to keep some big creatures of my own to fling them around, should the targets on the other boards prove not to be juicy enough.
So first, let's get rid of the stuff that's not 100% relevant to our case. Not bad cards per se, but just not focused enough.
- Acrobatic LeapAcrobatic Leap: I like the idea of being able to untap Brion. I like it less when it's a one shot.
- Ball LightningBall Lightning: Makes me feel old. But triple red is too colorful a cost for my taste.
- Borderland BehemothBorderland Behemoth: Too expensive for what will usually end up being an 8/8 for 7 mana.
- Calamity BearerCalamity Bearer: Looks nice on paper, but will only really benefit our commander, and as such feels slightly too situational.
- Dawn CharmDawn Charm: I love a good fog in off-fog colors, but we simply don't have the room.
- Grabby GiantGrabby Giant: Here for the flavor I suppose.
- Hamletback GoliathHamletback Goliath: I pondered really hard on whether I should keep it in. The steep mana cost is a deterrent, but with this card, the sky is the limit.
- Karmic GuideKarmic Guide: Reanimating a threat is nice, but that's not really the core strategy here.
- Nykthos ParagonNykthos Paragon and Cradle of VitalityCradle of Vitality: Too dependent on our commander to be truly efficient.
- Open the ArmoryOpen the Armory: Not enough equipments in the deck to be worth it.
- QuakebringerQuakebringer: Really not what we're looking for here.
- Serra AvatarSerra Avatar: Lovely when you have a lot of life, but the triple white is a no-go.
- Sigil of the New DawnSigil of the New Dawn: Not sure we'll have enough creatures to justify the expensive effect.
- Sun TitanSun Titan: Not entirely sure we have enough juicy targets for it to be worthwhile.
That's a good start. Down to 142 cards at the moment. And now to address the elephant in the room.
As I said, that's a delicate balance to solve. At the moment, there are still 35 theft spells left in the list. Honestly, what we cut here doesn't really matter. We'll just focus on getting rid of the most expensive stuff and keep some of the most decent ones. I think we need something around 15. Remember, you don't want to steal everything, only the very best.
Act of TreasonAct of Treason | HijackHijack | Shackles of TreacheryShackles of Treachery |
Blind with AngerBlind with Anger | Involuntary EmploymentInvoluntary Employment | The Akroan WarThe Akroan War |
Bloody BetrayalBloody Betrayal | Mark of MutinyMark of Mutiny | Traitorous BloodTraitorous Blood |
Claim the FirstbornClaim the Firstborn | Malevolent WhispersMalevolent Whispers | Traitorous GreedTraitorous Greed |
Captivating CrewCaptivating Crew | Molten PrimordialMolten Primordial | Traitorous InstinctTraitorous Instinct |
Conquering ManticoreConquering Manticore | Pack's BetrayalPack's Betrayal | Word of SeizingWord of Seizing |
Eriette's Tempting AppleEriette's Tempting Apple | Portent of BetrayalPortent of Betrayal | Zealous ConscriptsZealous Conscripts |
GoatnapGoatnap | Price of LoyaltyPrice of Loyalty |
Right. 120 cards. And we still need to shorten things down to 110, before trimming yet again. Remind me, why do I inflict this upon myself?
So, what's does our curve look like at this time on Archidekt?
Ouch. That's steep. I believe there can be some cuts that can be done in the 6-7 mana section. Off with:
- Bloodshot CyclopsBloodshot Cyclops: I like the idea of another Brion, but 6 mana...
- Cleansing NovaCleansing Nova: I don't want to cut a wipe, but I want to trim the curve. Graaaah!
- Combustible GearhulkCombustible Gearhulk: I love the card, but I feel like it will probably do the one thing you don't want to when you cast it.
- Evra, Halcyon WitnessEvra, Halcyon Witness: 6 mana to cast + 4 to activate. No.
- Inferno TitanInferno Titan: I love its versatility, but it's not exactly on point here.
- Pyrrhic BlastPyrrhic Blast: A bit too expensive for a fling effect.
- Scuttling Doom EngineScuttling Doom Engine: Fun to fling, but underwhelming otherwise.
- Soul of EternitySoul of Eternity: Cute on paper, but you need enough life to make it worth your while.
- Warstorm SurgeWarstorm Surge: I don't feel like we run enough relevant creatures to justify its presence.
- Wild RicochetWild Ricochet: Fun protection spell, but not really needed here.
So, with that out of the way, we've reached...
Much, much better! Down to 110 cards, on to the final cuts!
Final Trim - Heart-wrenching Choices
It's cold in here, and yet I'm almost sweating. This has been a rough journey. As usual, any of the remaining cards (and many already cut to be honest) could be worthy inclusions.
In this last trim, I'll try to spread the love a bit. I feel like most of our sections are already fairly balanced, so let's try keeping it that way!
Without further ado, here are my last cuts:
- Spark TrooperSpark Trooper: I love it, I love it, glorified Ball LightningBall Lightning. But alas, one single mana too expensive.
- Stalking VengeanceStalking Vengeance: Technically a damage doubler, but 7 mana is too steep of a price.
- Angelic RenewalAngelic Renewal: Not sure we have enough relevant creatures to make this worthwhile.
- Flameshadow ConjuringFlameshadow Conjuring: Very cool card, gives you double the fodder for Brion. But I'm not totally sure we're running enough creatures worth copying with the ability.
- Four KnocksFour Knocks: The single Card Advantage card I'll get rid of.
- Dawn of HopeDawn of Hope: Ok, I lied. The lifegain is too situational here to be truly reliable. However, I'm replacing it with Wild GuessWild Guess, a criminally underplayed draw spell in red.
- Feldon of the Third PathFeldon of the Third Path: The more cards we cut, the less juicy targets we find to reanimate. A great card, but slightly too unreliable here.
- Goblin BombardmentGoblin Bombardment: Turning any threaten effect into an effective one.
- Commander's SphereCommander's Sphere: The curve has dropped significantly, enough so that we can drop a rock in return.
- A single plains. Same reasoning as above.
- Wear // TearWear // Tear: I have yet to cut a removal spell, and it's the worst of the remaining ones.
Et voilà ! We're done, and done, and DONE !
Brion Stoutarm - Final Trim
View on ArchidektCommander (18)
- 1 Brion StoutarmBrion Stoutarm
- 1 [Misc.][Misc.]
- 1 Calamity BearerCalamity Bearer
- 1 Fatal FrenzyFatal Frenzy
- 1 Grafted WargearGrafted Wargear
- 1 Insult // InjuryInsult // Injury
- 1 Jaxis, the TroublemakerJaxis, the Troublemaker
- 1 Mimic VatMimic Vat
- 1 Moltensteel DragonMoltensteel Dragon
- 1 Phyrexian ProcessorPhyrexian Processor
- 1 Regal BunnicornRegal Bunnicorn
- 1 Rite of the Raging StormRite of the Raging Storm
- 1 Sting, the Glinting DaggerSting, the Glinting Dagger
- 1 SunforgerSunforger
- 1 Sunscorch RegentSunscorch Regent
- 1 Taurean MaulerTaurean Mauler
- 1 Two-Handed Axe // Sweeping CleaveTwo-Handed Axe // Sweeping Cleave
- 1 Unleash FuryUnleash Fury
Theft (13)
- 1 Act of AggressionAct of Aggression
- 1 BesmirchBesmirch
- 1 Firbolg FlutistFirbolg Flutist
- 1 Furnace ReinsFurnace Reins
- 1 Grab the ReinsGrab the Reins
- 1 Harness by ForceHarness by Force
- 1 Kari Zev's ExpertiseKari Zev's Expertise
- 1 Mass MutinyMass Mutiny
- 1 Mob RuleMob Rule
- 1 Song-Mad Treachery // Song-Mad RuinsSong-Mad Treachery // Song-Mad Ruins
- 1 ThreatenThreaten
- 1 Twisted FealtyTwisted Fealty
- 1 Unwilling RecruitUnwilling Recruit
Removal (5)
- 1 Chandra's IncineratorChandra's Incinerator
- 1 Chaos WarpChaos Warp
- 1 Generous GiftGenerous Gift
- 1 Path to ExilePath to Exile
- 1 Swords to PlowsharesSwords to Plowshares
Ramp (12)
- 1 Arcane SignetArcane Signet
- 1 Boros LocketBoros Locket
- 1 Boros SignetBoros Signet
- 1 Fellwar StoneFellwar Stone
- 1 Hedron ArchiveHedron Archive
- 1 Knight of the White OrchidKnight of the White Orchid
- 1 Loyal WarhoundLoyal Warhound
- 1 Mind StoneMind Stone
- 1 Solemn SimulacrumSolemn Simulacrum
- 1 Talisman of ConvictionTalisman of Conviction
- 1 Wayfarer's BaubleWayfarer's Bauble
- 1 Worn PowerstoneWorn Powerstone
Card Advantage (11)
- 1 Cathartic ReunionCathartic Reunion
- 1 Cut a DealCut a Deal
- 1 Furious RiseFurious Rise
- 1 Outpost SiegeOutpost Siege
- 1 Plargg and NassariPlargg and Nassari
- 1 Secret RendezvousSecret Rendezvous
- 1 Thrill of PossibilityThrill of Possibility
- 1 Thrilling DiscoveryThrilling Discovery
- 1 Tormenting VoiceTormenting Voice
- 1 Well of Lost DreamsWell of Lost Dreams
- 1 Wild GuessWild Guess
Fling (5)
- 1 FlingFling
- 1 Kazuul's Fury // Kazuul's CliffsKazuul's Fury // Kazuul's Cliffs
- 1 Soul's FireSoul's Fire
- 1 Surtland FlingerSurtland Flinger
- 1 ThudThud
Wipes (3)
- 1 Austere CommandAustere Command
- 1 Phyrexian RebirthPhyrexian Rebirth
- 1 Realm-Cloaked Giant // Cast OffRealm-Cloaked Giant // Cast Off
Protection (2)
- 1 Sejiri Shelter // Sejiri GlacierSejiri Shelter // Sejiri Glacier
- 1 Selfless SquireSelfless Squire
Land (32)
- 1 Battlefield ForgeBattlefield Forge
- 1 Boros GarrisonBoros Garrison
- 1 Command TowerCommand Tower
- 1 Evolving WildsEvolving Wilds
- 1 Exotic OrchardExotic Orchard
- 1 Forgotten CaveForgotten Cave
- 10 MountainMountain
- 1 Myriad LandscapeMyriad Landscape
- 1 Path of AncestryPath of Ancestry
- 8 PlainsPlains
- 1 Secluded SteppeSecluded Steppe
- 1 Slayers' StrongholdSlayers' Stronghold
- 1 Spinerock KnollSpinerock Knoll
- 1 Temple of TriumphTemple of Triumph
- 1 Temple of the False GodTemple of the False God
- 1 Terramorphic ExpanseTerramorphic Expanse
Yet another budget brew achieved, and I'm beat. As if Brion himself had decided to give me a thorough bashing massage.
What do you think? Is the big boy beating enough? Have you built the deck any differently? How much life did this monster of a giant net you?
Oh, and before I forget, let me know if I should be a little more lax in my budget criteria.
See you in two weeks!
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