(Tolsimir, Friend to WolvesTolsimir, Friend to Wolves | Art by Ryan Pancoast)
Epic Preparations
Hello, EDHREC fans! I’m Bernardo, and this is Epic Experiment, a series where we throw all common sense aside and experiment with some unusual strategies, changing how we normally build our deck. Is it going to work? Who knows?! We’re making science here. When you’re an Izzet mage, blowing things up is half the fun.
Let's take a look at Tolsimir, Friend to WolvesTolsimir, Friend to Wolves!
Tolsimir is an all-time favorite commander of mine. This card is just awesome, from its concept to its art and abilities.
Tolsimir is a versatile commander who's a bit of a mid-range king. From the get-go, we have a five-mana creature that gains us life and comes with a removal stapled to it, but that's only the beginning. For each Wolf that enters the battlefield afterward, we get those triggers again and again, which makes controlling the battlefield an easy task. This impressive kit allows Tolsimir to capitalize on different strategies: Wolves entering the battlefield can be abused by blink effects, the lifegain can be used for life-matters payoffs, and Wolves' natural token synergies play into the classic green-white tokens archetype.
However, there are still two main issues that need to be addressed when building Tolsimir. First, a five-mana commander is a bit on the expensive side, which can quickly lock us out of playing him if he's removed too often. The second issue is that without proper support, it's pretty hard to get value out of the fight trigger and keep our creature, which means that we need to do a lot of set up before getting full value from our commander.
Epic Ingredients
Out of the many ways to have a constant flow of creatures to trigger our commander, Cycling seems to have fallen under the radar. Astral SlideAstral Slide and Astral DriftAstral Drift are both amazing engines that allow us to keep triggering our commander while also digging us for more action.
As a tribe, Wolves have a surprisingly good number of solid ETB creatures to blink, so much so that we have the luxury of selecting mostly for their effect instead of having to fill in with beefier creatures for the fight ETB. Cemetery ProwlerCemetery Prowler is a graveyard hate effect that has the added benefit of giving us a slight discount on some of our spells. Ferocious PupFerocious Pup and Irregular CohortIrregular Cohort are versatile cards since they give us two triggers to play around with. Howling GiantHowling Giant, Tovolar's HuntmasterTovolar's Huntmaster, and Somberwald BeastmasterSomberwald Beastmaster are our top-end targets that flood the board with more tokens.
We have every one-mana Cycling card available at our disposal, but as a two-colored Cycling deck, we quickly have to rely on more expensive ones, which isn't too bad, since we also have FluctuatorFluctuator. One nice thing about Cycling strategies is that we can pack a myriad of different card effects among the different Cycling cards. We've got Forsake the WorldlyForsake the Worldly and WiltWilt for artifacts and enchantments, Radiant's JudgmentRadiant's Judgment for creatures, and Akroma's VengeanceAkroma's Vengeance takes care of anything barring planeswalkers.
The Mixture
Tolsimir Cycling
View on Archidekt- 1 [Commander]Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves[/Commander][Commander]Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves[/Commander]
Creature (28)
- 1 *Ascendant Packleader*Ascendant Packleader
- 1 *Flourishing Fox*Flourishing Fox
- 1 *Young Wolf*Young Wolf
- 1 *Drannith Healer*Drannith Healer
- 1 *Masked Vandal*Masked Vandal
- 1 *Valiant Rescuer*Valiant Rescuer
- 1 *Cemetery Prowler*Cemetery Prowler
- 1 *Eternal Witness*Eternal Witness
- 1 *Ferocious Pup*Ferocious Pup
- 1 *Primal Forcemage*Primal Forcemage
- 1 *Briarpack Alpha*Briarpack Alpha
- 1 *Irregular Cohort*Irregular Cohort
- 1 *Nightpack Ambusher*Nightpack Ambusher
- 1 *Pack Guardian*Pack Guardian
- 1 *Sarulf's Packmate*Sarulf's Packmate
- 1 *Oketra's Attendant*Oketra's Attendant
- 1 *Skalla Wolf*Skalla Wolf
- 1 *Timeless Dragon*Timeless Dragon
- 1 *Wolfir Silverheart*Wolfir Silverheart
- 1 *Elvish Aberration*Elvish Aberration
- 1 *Hollowhenge Overlord*Hollowhenge Overlord
- 1 *Imposing Vantasaur*Imposing Vantasaur
- 1 *Orchard Strider*Orchard Strider
- 1 *Pale Recluse*Pale Recluse
- 1 *Tovolar's Huntmaster*Tovolar's Huntmaster
- 1 *Winged Shepherd*Winged Shepherd
- 1 *Howling Giant*Howling Giant
- 1 *Somberwald Beastmaster*Somberwald Beastmaster
Enchantment (10)
- 1 *Mark of Asylum*Mark of Asylum
- 1 *Sterling Grove*Sterling Grove
- 1 *Astral Drift*Astral Drift
- 1 *Astral Slide*Astral Slide
- 1 *Howling Moon*Howling Moon
- 1 *Howlpack Resurgence*Howlpack Resurgence
- 1 *Sigil of the Nayan Gods*Sigil of the Nayan Gods
- 1 *Anointed Procession*Anointed Procession
- 1 *Cast Out*Cast Out
- 1 *Parallel Lives*Parallel Lives
Artifact (3)
- 1 *Sol Ring*Sol Ring
- 1 *Flucuator*Flucuator
- 1 *Bow of Nylea*Bow of Nylea
Instant (12)
- 1 *Enlightened Tutor*Enlightened Tutor
- 1 *Angelsong*Angelsong
- 1 *Clear*Clear
- 1 *Dissenter's Deliverance*Dissenter's Deliverance
- 1 *Djeru's Renunciation*Djeru's Renunciation
- 1 *Lull*Lull
- 1 *Repopulate*Repopulate
- 1 *Wilt*Wilt
- 1 *Akroma's Blessing*Akroma's Blessing
- 1 *Forsake the Worldly*Forsake the Worldly
- 1 *Radiant's Judgement*Radiant's Judgement
- 1 *Sylvan Reclamation*Sylvan Reclamation
Planeswalker (1)
- 1 *The Wanderer*The Wanderer
Sorcery (9)
- 1 *Edge of Autumn*Edge of Autumn
- 1 *Beneath the Sands*Beneath the Sands
- 1 *Idyllic Tutor*Idyllic Tutor
- 1 *Marshaling Cry*Marshaling Cry
- 1 *Migration Path*Migration Path
- 1 *Wrath of God*Wrath of God
- 1 *Akroma's Vengeance*Akroma's Vengeance
- 1 *Austere Command*Austere Command
- 1 *Plea for Guidance*Plea for Guidance
Land (36)
- 1 *Ash Barrens*Ash Barrens
- 1 *Bountiful Promenade*Bountiful Promenade
- 1 *Branchloft Pathway*Branchloft Pathway
- 1 *Brushland*Brushland
- 1 *Canopy Vista*Canopy Vista
- 1 *City of Brass*City of Brass
- 1 *Command Tower*Command Tower
- 1 *Mana Confluence*Mana Confluence
- 1 *Overgrown Farmland*Overgrown Farmland
- 1 *Scattered Grove*Scattered Grove
- 1 *Secluded Steppe*Secluded Steppe
- 1 *Sunpetal Grove*Sunpetal Grove
- 1 *Temple Garden*Temple Garden
- 1 *Temple of Plenty*Temple of Plenty
- 1 *Tranquil Thicket*Tranquil Thicket
- 1 *Ghost Quarter*Ghost Quarter
- 1 *Tectonic Edge*Tectonic Edge
- 10 ForestForest
- 9 PlainsPlains
There are plenty of great support cards for Tolsimir, although since we're a bit slot-starved between our Wolves and our Cycling cards, we have to be choosey with them. Mark of AsylumMark of Asylum and The WandererThe Wanderer are ways to avoid losing our Wolves to our fight triggers, for instance. In a deck with so many token-generators, Anointed ProcessionAnointed Procession and Parallel LivesParallel Lives quickly put us over the edge. Primal ForcemagePrimal Forcemage's pump is a really efficient way to both protect from and rip apart our opponents' threats.
We need to find our Astral DriftAstral Drift/ Astral SlideAstral Slide as fast as possible, and while we have some drawing power with our Cyclers, we still need to have a few tutors. Enlightened TutorEnlightened Tutor is a cheap tutor that can be used either before our draw step or together with our Cyclers to get one of our enchantments. Idyllic TutorIdyllic Tutor is a bit expensive, but it gets it into our hands, and Sterling GroveSterling Grove is versatile and can either find or protect our key enchantments.
Our early game is a bit slow, with a few turns dedicated to setting up our board. This means that we're either digging for the Cycling enchantments or playing some of our support cards. It's also worth keeping in mind that since we lack the sheer number of Cycling cards as most of our decks usually have, it's good to consider holding out some Cyclers so that we have them available for when we start going off.
While our game plan revolves around those the Cycling enchantments, we're no slouches if we don't find them. Our commander is a strong mid-range threat and, together with our Wolves, he can help us control the board and give us some breathing room to find what we're looking for.
If we get to keep our board, then by the late game we're pretty well set. The advantage of having a lot of cards that cantrip is that we can redraw and get ahead on board at the same time. We're a bit lacking in the bombs department, so to win, we'll need to do a bit of grinding. At that point, though, even just casting our beefiest can also be a pretty decent gameplan if we need a board state! The benefit of a grindy strategy is that it's slow to build up, but just as difficult to completely dismantle!
That’s it for this Epic Experiment! What do you think of this list? Do you have any questions about the deck? Which cards did you like? Which did you not? Was this experiment a success? Please let me know in the comments below!
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