Commander Showdown — Karador vs Meren

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Commander Showdown — Karador vs Meren

Blast from the Past

Commander Anthology comes out this Friday, inviting us all to enjoy some of our old favorites from past Commander products, such as Kaalia of the VastKaalia of the Vast and Derevi, Empyrial TacticianDerevi, Empyrial Tactician.

The Anthology deck I'd like to spend some time on is Plunder the Graves, featuring Meren of Clan Nel TothMeren of Clan Nel Toth. Before Commander 2016 gave us Atraxa, Praetors' VoiceAtraxa, Praetors' Voice and Breya, Etherium ShaperBreya, Etherium Shaper, Meren was on course to surpass Oloro, Ageless AsceticOloro, Ageless Ascetic as the most-built Commander deck of all time. It's not hard to see why she's so popular; Meren gives you experience counters every time your creatures die, then turns that experience into powerful necromancy, reviving a creature from your graveyard. What's not to love?

However, there's another commander out there, in similar colors, who also lets you revive your creatures from the graveyard. His deck may not be reprinted in this Anthology, but he's the most-built commander in his colors, and, as a ghost himself, he'll make sure the past never dies. That's right, it's Karador, Ghost ChieftainKarador, Ghost Chieftain.

Much like Gisa and GeralfGisa and Geralf, which we discussed last Showdown, Karador lets you cast creatures from your graveyard. Fortunately, he isn't restricted to just zombies, like Gisa and Geralf. Unfortunately, you do still have to pay mana for those creatures, a cost Meren sidesteps by reviving creatures for free.

Still, Karador has many other upsides. First of all, he's an additional color, which broadens the range of creatures he can resurrect. Second of all, he discounts his own mana cost for every creature in your graveyard. It's possible that Karador could cost you only three mana even if you've already cast him twice. Lastly, Karador doesn't rely upon experience counters. It's difficult to prevent a Meren player from accumulating experience, since creatures dying is such a common part of the game, but if a Meren player can be kept off her experience, it can really slow her down. Karador doesn't care about any of this. The first creature he revives could be an Acidic SlimeAcidic Slime for all he cares, so long as you have the mana.

The Lists

Let's get started by taking a look at the average Karador decklist:

Average Karador Deck

View on Archidekt

Commander (1)

Creatures (36)

Instants (5)

Sorceries (9)

Artifacts (6)

Enchantments (6)

Lands (36)

Karador, Ghost Chieftain

For those familiar with Modern, this list probably looks similar to the "Birthing Pod" decks that were prevalent in the format years ago. Before the card was banned from the format, this deck featured the titular card Birthing PodBirthing Pod and a smattering of 'toolbox' creatures with niche effects that could be useful in a variety of situations, from ShriekmawShriekmaw to Scavenging OozeScavenging Ooze to Eternal WitnessEternal Witness.

That's exactly the kind of deck Karador likes to be. Since he can revive any creature from his graveyard, his deck can be filled with unique creatures, each of which provides answers to different threats. If an opponent has a nasty Doubling SeasonDoubling Season out, Karador can replay an Acidic SlimeAcidic Slime to shut it down. If an opponent has gone all-in on a voltron commander, Karador can replay his Fleshbag MarauderFleshbag Marauder.

How about Meren?

Average Meren Deck

View on Archidekt

Commander (1)

Creatures (35)

Instants (4)

Sorceries (9)

Artifacts (7)

Enchantments (6)

Planeswalkers (1)

Lands (37)

Meren of Clan Nel Toth

Much like Karador, Meren has many of the same toolbox-y elements in her deck. Reclamation SageReclamation Sage for pesky artifacts and enchantments, Spore FrogSpore Frog for defense, and so on. It's also important to note the presence of cards like Avenger of ZendikarAvenger of Zendikar and Grave TitanGrave Titan in her list, which don't show up for Karador.

However, I think the best way to illustrate the differences between these two commanders is with a good ol' Venn Diagram.

Venn Diagram Time

I've assembled a kinda-sorta Venn Diagram below, using the Top and Signature Cards for each deck, to see what cards overlap. The results are pretty interesting:

Karmic GuideKarmic GuideShriekmawShriekmawHigh MarketHigh Market
ReveillarkReveillarkSakura-Tribe ElderSakura-Tribe ElderBontu the GlorifiedBontu the Glorified
Saffi EriksdotterSaffi EriksdotterFleshbag MarauderFleshbag MarauderVictimizeVictimize
Ashen RiderAshen RiderSkullclampSkullclampButcher of MalakirButcher of Malakir
Sun TitanSun TitanBirthing PodBirthing PodCaustic CaterpillarCaustic Caterpillar
Renegade RallierRenegade RallierSidisi, Undead VizierSidisi, Undead VizierMerciless ExecutionerMerciless Executioner
Qasali PridemageQasali PridemageEternal WitnessEternal WitnessSpore FrogSpore Frog
Swords to PlowsharesSwords to PlowsharesAcidic SlimeAcidic SlimePrimal GrowthPrimal Growth
Solemn SimulacrumSolemn SimulacrumWood ElvesWood ElvesPutrefyPutrefy
Animate DeadAnimate DeadReclamation SageReclamation SageLightning GreavesLightning Greaves
Demonic TutorDemonic TutorSheoldred, Whispering OneSheoldred, Whispering OneDictate of ErebosDictate of Erebos
Fauna ShamanFauna ShamanBuried AliveBuried AliveJarad, Golgari Lich LordJarad, Golgari Lich Lord
Disciple of BolasDisciple of BolasViscera SeerViscera SeerAshnod's AltarAshnod's Altar
Life from the LoamLife from the LoamGolgari SignetGolgari Signet
Eldritch EvolutionEldritch EvolutionMazirek, Kraul Death PriestMazirek, Kraul Death Priest

Karador's column, however, tells us a whole lot about his playstyle. Unsurprisingly, many of those toolbox cards like Fleshbag MarauderFleshbag Marauder and Acidic SlimeAcidic Slime show up in our "Both" column. Each of these provides an awesome amount of value when played multiple times, so they're great fits for both decks.

Karador, Combo Chieftain

Remember those Modern "Birthing Pod" decks Karador resembled so much? Well, he has something else in common with them too; many of those Modern decks were actually named "Melira Pod," because they featured combos such as Melira, Sylvok OutcastMelira, Sylvok Outcast + Kitchen FinksKitchen Finks + Viscera SeerViscera Seer. Combos like this are bread and butter for Karador decks. At the very top of his column we find his combo pieces: ReveillarkReveillark + Karmic GuideKarmic Guide. Combine these cards with a sacrifice outlet and a Blood ArtistBlood Artist and you've won the game. Saffi ErikdotterSaffi Erikdotter, Sun TitanSun Titan and Renegade RallierRenegade Rallier also show up in his column as additional avenues to Combo Town.

(For more information about the ReveillarkReveillark + Karmic GuideKarmic Guide combo, check out Patrick Sippola's Combo Corner article here.)

Birthing PodBirthing Pod isn't Karador's only tutor, either; his column also contains cards like Fauna ShamanFauna Shaman, Demonic TutorDemonic Tutor, and Eldritch EvolutionEldritch Evolution, to find those combo pieces more quickly. These cards really solidify Karador as the quintessential toolbox commander with the potential to go infinite at the drop of a hat.

Karador players have also been known to run the "Boonweaver combo," which utilizes Boonweaver GiantBoonweaver GiantPattern of RebirthPattern of Rebirth + [insert sacrifice outlet here] to tutor out any and every creature in your library. These cards don't show up in his average decklist above, but they're still worth mentioning.

Meren, the Reanimatrix

By contrast, Meren's column shows us an emphasis not towards combo, but towards creatures. The standout is Dictate of ErebosDictate of Erebos. This, along with Grave PactGrave Pact and Butcher of MalakirButcher of Malakir, are excellent forms of removal, but they do rely on how many creatures you have. Thankfully, we know that Meren loves having lots of creatures; remember, we saw from her decklist that she's more likely to play those army-tastic cards like Avenger of ZendikarAvenger of Zendikar and Grave TitanGrave Titan. And speaking of armies, that Mazirek, Kraul Death PriestMazirek, Kraul Death Priest in her column makes her masses of creatures even more frightening.

Since Karador likes to combo, and defeat his opponents right on the spot, he has less need of effects like Dictate of ErebosDictate of Erebos. Meren's goal is more gradual, and a bit more straightforward: crush you enemies by having more (and more powerful) creatures than they do.

This isn't to say Meren can't combo; I've witnessed firsthand a Meren deck that sacrificed and revived a Gray Merchant of AsphodelGray Merchant of Asphodel thirty times in one turn to win the game. In general, though, Meren decks tend to assemble legions, while Karador likes to assemble combos.

Cards to Consider

Now that we understand each of these commanders a little better, let's take a look at some cards that aren't very popular on their EDHREC pages, but should probably see more play.


Peacekeeper Bane of Progress

  • Merciless ExecutionerMerciless Executioner only sees play in 26% of Karador decks. This is a second copy of Fleshbag MarauderFleshbag Marauder, which sees play in 42% of decks! Since the Executioner is a bit newer, it's possible that people just haven't updated their lists online, skewing the statistics. Regardless, don't forget this card just because it's lower on Karador's page. (Another option to check out is Slum ReaperSlum Reaper, which may not be worth it for one more mana, but is still worth remembering.)
  • Gaddock TeegGaddock Teeg is an expensive card. I always advocate for playing within your budget, so by no means should you break your piggy bank just for this little guy. But if you have a copy, consider it for this deck. Karador likes casting creatures—almost exclusively, in fact—which means Teeg can shut down all those big-spell Mizzix of the IzmagnusMizzix of the Izmagnus and Kruphix, God of HorizonsKruphix, God of Horizons players without affecting your strategy at all. Think of him as a much smaller Void WinnowerVoid Winnower.
  • Along those lines, PeacekeeperPeacekeeper is a great stall tactic, one that Karador can turn on or off at will. Meren decks are famous for playing Spore FrogSpore Frog, which is also a pretty decent way to keep your life total intact, but Peacekeeper can stop aggression from every opponent, not just one. If you're a Karador player who likes their life total, check this one out. And if you like Spore FrogSpore Frog, check out Kami of False HopeKami of False Hope too.
  • Crypt of AgadeemCrypt of Agadeem. This maybe too slow, but I'm not sure. Regardless, Karador clearly likes having creatures in your graveyard and so does the Crypt. It's like Cabal CoffersCabal Coffers for dead creatures, and that seems useful enough that it should at least show up somewhere on Karador's page. Right now it's nowhere in sight, and that just feels wrong.
  • Bane of ProgressBane of Progress. Honestly, I'm recommending this for both decks. Yes, it hits your stuff too. Doesn't matter. Karador is a toolbox commander, and for just one more mana than Acidic SlimeAcidic Slime, you upgrade from a hammer to a chainsaw. Plus, Karador's combos can be completed entirely with creatures, so destroying your own permanents won't always hinder you. Besides, if you lose anything valuable, like Birthing PodBirthing Pod or Altar of DementiaAltar of Dementia, you can get it back with Eternal WitnessEternal Witness or Sun TitanSun Titan.



Deathreap Ritual Twilight's Call

  • Deathreap RitualDeathreap Ritual. Everyone gushes about Phyrexian ArenaPhyrexian Arena, but I gotta be honest, I think Deathreap is way, way better. The Arena draws you a card on your upkeep, but Deathreap could draw you a card on each player's turn. All it takes is creatures dying, which is a natural, unavoidable part of the game. For one more mana, this is like a green-black Rhystic StudyRhystic Study. Okay, it's worse than that, but still, don't waste four bucks on an Arena when there's a budget alternative with the potential to draw you more cards.
  • Twilight's CallTwilight's Call. I'm surprised this card doesn't show up on Meren's page at all. Lots of decks are running Living DeathLiving Death, which is bonkers powerful. Twilight ain't too shabby either, though. It may not remove all the creatures on the battlefield, but you're still probably the person with the best creatures in the graveyard.
  • Pattern of RebirthPattern of Rebirth isn't just good for Boonweaver GiantBoonweaver Giant. Meren is sacrificing creatures left and right, and this will let you get any creature you need. This is a build-your-own-Protean HulkProtean Hulk and you don't even need combo pieces to make it powerful.
  • Cauldron of SoulsCauldron of Souls. I already recommended this card for a different commander, but I think it's pretty powerful here too. Meren tends to have a lot of enters-the-battlefield effects that are worth getting multiple times. And yes, maybe the -1/-1 counter will kill your Reclamation SageReclamation Sage, but you'll still get the Sage's trigger. All I'm saying is that if you're running Mazirek, Kraul Death PriestMazirek, Kraul Death Priest or Mikaeus, the UnhallowedMikaeus, the Unhallowed, this pairs with both of them pretty nicely.
  • So far the cards I've recommended for Meren have all been noncreatures, and that's probably a mistake. Meren needs a lot of creatures, so the noncreature slots are really at a premium. I'll try to correct that by recommending a card I mentioned before, and that's Gray Merchant of AsphodelGray Merchant of Asphodel. He's only seeing play in 32% of Meren decks, and that number should absolutely be higher. Don't spend $16 on a Kokusho, the Evening StarKokusho, the Evening Star. Gray Merchant costs a gumball and has the potential to drain even more life than the Kamigawa dragon. If he's in your graveyard when you cast that Twilight's CallTwilight's Call and get all your creatures back, it feels really, really good.


In Memoriam

Commander Anthology contains some amazing legendary creatures from years past, and I hope you get the chance to play with some of them. This is as good an opportunity as any to look back in previous sets for old favorites, and maybe give them a go, for old time's sake. Some enterprising souls may tell you never to look back, or that the past is dead. If Karador and Meren have taught us anything, though, it's that the dead pack a serious punch.

Until next time!


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